CYO Athletic Manual


Purpose of CYO Athletics

“Similarly, an athlete cannot receive the winner’s crown except by competing according to the rules.” (2 Timothy 2:5)

CYO Athletics is part of the Diocesan Catholic Schools Department. There is a component of evangelization in CYO Athletics; an opportunity to strengthen the connection of baptized Catholics to their Church and an opportunity to be a witness of Jesus Christ. For these reasons, we enforce the following principles:

  • CYO Athletics are built on mutual respect and respect the dignity of each individual person.
  • CYO Athletics encourage the development of the unique gifts of each participant. CYO programs serve the needs of all youth. They enable the gifted to excel, and the less gifted to participate and improve.
  • Principles of fair play and sportsmanship govern all games, practices, and scrimmages. Dishonesty has no place in CYO competition. Competitors should regard the opposing teams as friends, not enemies.
  • Participants, both youth and adult, model Christian values and virtues. At times, during the heat of competition, a participant may temporarily forget some rule of conduct. Prompt correction can turn even failures into learning experiences.
  • CYO Athletics allows the athletically gifted to excel, and the less athletically gifted to participate and improve.
  • Playing is more important than winning and winning well is more important than winning. The emphasis rests not on the number of games won or lost, but on the participants’ attitude in victory or defeat.
  • Keep CYO fun and an opportunity for character building! CYO is for players and is not a spectator sport. All involved in CYO must keep the outcome of the game in perspective.

CYO Points of Emphasis

  1. Prayer – Prayer should be naturally incorporated into ministry with young people in CYO. All CYO activities are to begin with prayer. The home team is responsible for leading a prayer prior to the start of each game, with both teams assembled at center field/court.
  2. Good Sportsmanship – Taunting, baiting, and rough play will not be tolerated. If CYO is to reflect Christian values, coaches must emphasize good sportsmanship. Coaches set sportsmanship goals with their teams and discuss proper conduct. Coaches and players should never show disrespect to game officials. Coaches with concerns about officiating should contact their athletic director and should never approach officials following a game.
  3. Positive Spectator Behavior – All spectators at CYO events must practice good sportsmanship. Spectators must cheer positively and never shout derogatory remarks to coaches, opposing players, or game officials. Coaches must emphasize good spectator behavior at their pre-season parent meeting by explaining proper spectator behavior in the CYO Code of Conduct.
  4. All Play – The ‘all play’ rules guarantee each child minimum playing time. Coaches, under the supervision of their athletic directors, should be certain that all players receive playing time beyond the minimum.
  5. No Running Up Scores – Children have more fun when a contest is close. There is no place in CYO to humiliate an opponent. Coaches who run up the score may be suspended.
  6. Eligibility – CYO eligibility rules are designed so that CYO teams are parish-based or Diocesan Catholic school-based. Use of an ineligible player, knowingly or unknowingly, shall result in forfeiture of the games.

Code of Conduct

The CYO program provides for the development of young people’s spiritual, emotional, social, and physical potential. Based on Catholic values, CYO offers guidance to assist young people as they assume responsibility for themselves and for their relationship with their faith, peers, and community. Every CYO activity provides opportunities that encourage and assist youth in their growth and development towards Christian adulthood.

The specific purpose of CYO athletic program is to develop in youth a sense of self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, and fair play by providing a competitive team sport activity through which they will practice the teaching of their faith.

The guiding principle behind the enforcement of this code is that the behavior of everyone involved in CYO should not detract from the children’s’ enjoyment of the sport.

1. Coaches – Acceptable standards of coaching behavior include:

  • Setting a good example for participants and fans to follow by exemplifying the highest moral and ethical behavior.
  • Respect the judgment of officials, abide by rules of the event.
  • Treat opposing coaches, participants, and fans with respect.
  • Provide a safe playing situation for all the players by coaching in a positive manner, reflecting Christian values.
  • Instruct participants in sportsmanship and demand they display good sportsmanship.


  • Any coach ejected from a game because of unsportsmanlike conduct will be suspended for the next two games and may be subject to additional penalties.
  • Any coach who verbally or physically abuses another person may be suspended for the remainder of the season and disqualified from CYO participation.

2. Players – Acceptable standards of participant behavior include:

  • Treat opponents, coaches, and officials with respect; shake hands prior to and after contests.
  • Respect the judgment of officials and abide by the rules of the contest.
  • Accept the great responsibility of representing the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester by always displaying a positive behavior.
  • Play in a positive manner, reflecting Christian values. Do not bait or taunt opponents or officials.


  • Any player ejected from a game because of unsportsmanlike conduct will sit the next scheduled game. If it happens again, they will not be allowed back to CYO events.
  • Any player who verbally or physically abuses another person will be suspended for the remainder of the season and disqualified from CYO participation.

3. Spectators – Acceptable standards for spectator behavior include:

  • Remain seated in the spectator area during the games.
  • Respect decisions made by coaches and contest officials.
  • Be a role model by positively supporting teams and by not shouting instructions or criticism to the players, coaches, or officials.


  • Participating teams and their coaches are responsible for the conduct of their spectators.
  • Any spectator that displays poor sportsmanship or interferes with the conduct of a CYO activity will be removed from the facility by an official or host gym person in charge and will be barred from future CYO participation.

4. All Coaches, Players, and Spectators – Acceptable standards of behavior:

  • We understand that we represent the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester community through playing CYO Athletics. Therefore, we will treat the other coaches, players, officials, and spectators with respect regardless of race, age, creed, or abilities and will be expected to be treated accordingly.
  • We will emphasize the proper ideals of ethical conduct, sportsmanship, and fair play. We will encourage leadership, use of initiative and good judgment by all players. We will respect the integrity and judgment of the officials and create an environment that is free from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco and expect adults to refrain from their use at all CYO sports events.

5. Enforcement

The parishes and Diocesan Catholic Schools, under the supervision of the Diocesan Coordinator of Sports, shall enforce this code. Complaints regarding violations of this code shall first be brought to the attention of the athletic director of the parish/diocesan catholic school involved. Coaches, participants, or spectators may be placed on probation or suspended from CYO activities for their actions.

CYO Administration: Diocesan Organization

The CYO Bylaws:
The CYO Bylaws are the official rules and forms for the individual CYO Programs, Soccer, Basketball, and Kickball broken down by grade level. Every Coach and Athletic Director should have a current copy of the CYO Bylaws. Found on under the Forms Tab.

The Diocesan CYO Office:
The Diocesan Coordinator of Sports is responsible for the administration of the CYO Athletic Program in the Diocese of Rochester under the Bishop of Rochester, Bishop Salvatore R. Matano. The CYO office staff consists of:

  • Mr. Matt Carroll
  • Diocesan Coordinator of Sports
  • 1150 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624
  • 585-328-3210 ex: 1242

Diocesan Advisory Board:
The Advisory Board consists of league representatives that are appointed by Bishop Matano. The Board meets during the different sport seasons to advise the CYO Office on the conduct of the CYO program within their respective sports, Soccer, Basketball, and/or Kickball.

Game Officials:
Game officials are selected, trained, and assigned by a third party and hired by the Diocese of Rochester. All Officials must be certified by a Board and background checked. If not, they must follow the correct Diocesan protocols to be a legal employee. Coaches, participants, and spectators will treat CYO Officials with respect. Officials must not be baited, taunted, or criticized during games. Following a contest, coaches, participants, and spectators may never approach an official to discuss rules and decisions. Complaints regarding an official should be directed to the Diocesan Coordinator of Sports.

Parish Organization

Under the guidance of the parish (pastor/and or Diocesan Catholic school principal and Staff Liaison), the Athletic Director and Parish CYO Advisory Committee direct the operation of the parish/school CYO program. Coaches are selected as youth leaders from qualified adults in the parish/school. Job descriptions for the Athletic Director, the CYO Coach, and the Parish CYO Advisory Committee are as follows below. Of utmost importance in any parish program is the communication with the pastor, principal, staff liaison, and other organizations within the parish/school. Athletic Directors should make every effort to communicate and cooperate with other parish organizations.

The CYO Athletic Director:
The parish athletic director is responsible for the overall conduct of the parish CYO athletic program. She/he is responsible to the pastor. All parishes participating in the CYO program must have an athletic director who has been appointed by the pastor. Athletic directors will receive information from Brooke England Diocesan Coordinator of Sports. They are responsible for disseminating this information to their parish programs.

Responsibilities of the Athletic Director include:

  1. Recruiting and training qualified coaches for all teams. Ensuring that the coaches are properly credentialed for that sport season and have attended the annual Coaches Conference.
  2. Conducting an information meeting for all coaches prior to each season to discuss Bylaws and any changes, league information, CYO and coaching philosophy, and other necessary information for the coming year. Making certain that there are a minimum of two credentialed coaches over the age of 21 present at all team events.
  3. Providing information for coaches to host parent information meetings for parents of participants. Coordinating parent programs and attending parent meetings as necessary. Checking to be certain that all teams have hosted parent meetings prior to the start of the season.
  4. Representing the parish in diocesan meetings (or send a representative) and contribute to diocesan activities.
  5. Being knowledgeable of the CYO Bylaws and the league rules. Ensuring that the philosophy of the CYO program is followed. Being certain that all players are eligible to participate.
  6. Organizing the parish athletic program and support functions including Arranging for registration of team players. Distributing registration material; setting time and location for registration. Acquiring and maintaining equipment, first aid supplies, and uniforms. Scheduling practice facilities. Distributing league schedules to all coaches. Any change in the schedule or request for a change must be made through the athletic director.
  7. Checking with the parish and school calendars to avoid schedule conflicts. Meeting, at least annually, with the pastor and staff liaison to discuss the CYO program. Working with parish leaders to avoid conflict with other parish programs and to promote the CYO program within the parish.
  8. In conjunction with parents and parish leaders, arranging to evaluate teams and coaches after each season.
  9. Conducting at least one Eucharistic celebration for the players; a Mass of Thanksgiving for the talents given by God.
  10. Organizing a parish CYO Advisory Committee to support the athletic program.

The CYO Coach

A CYO Coach is primarily a minister to youth with a gift of reaching out to young people via athletics. CYO coaches must be 21 years of age or older. Two Coaches over the age of 21 must be always present and responsible for their team. Coaches are appointed by the pastor/principal at the parish/diocesan Catholic school.

Responsibilities of the coach include:

  1. Having and keeping updated credentials issued by the Diocese of Rochester by:
    • Taking Creating a Safe Environment (CaSE) and having a Background check done every 3 years. Only credentialed coaches may sit on the team bench.
  2. Conducting a pre-season meeting with parents to be certain that all parents, coaches, and youth understand their responsibilities and the philosophy of the CYO Athletic program in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester.
  3. Being knowledgeable concerning the CYO Bylaws, league rules, and the techniques of teaching the fundamentals for those sports.
  4. Determining the eligibility of each player on the team prior to participation. Return accurate rosters and support materials to the athletic director.
  5. Coaching in a Christian manner and following the CYO Code of Conduct.
  6. Being responsible for the actions of team members and team followers; ensure that their behavior follows the CYO Code of Conduct.
  7. Teaching and guiding the youth on the team with a sense of fair play, sportsmanship, and acceptance of winning and losing in accordance with Catholic ideals.
  8. Taking special precautions to ensure a safe playing environment and following the Diocesan Creating a Safe Environment policies. Maintaining an adequate first aid kit and keeping medical forms readily available. Making certain that there will be at least two CYO Credentialed Coaches at every practice and game.
  9. Being aware that individual parish/diocesan school CYO programs will be held responsible for damages caused by team members or followers.
  10. Scheduling practices so as not to conflict with the religious obligations of the youth.
  11. Working with the athletic director in supporting the league and parish CYO programs.

The Parish/Diocesan School Advisory Team

Each parish/diocesan school should have a CYO Advisory Team to aid the athletic director in establishing and conducting a successful program.

The advisory team may consist of the athletic director(s), interested and active parents, the pastor and/or his staff delegate, the diocesan school principal, and other parish organization representatives. Each parish should determine qualifications for membership on the Board, and the membership should be appointed with term limits set by the pastor or diocesan school principal. Each member should be assigned a specific function and responsibility to ensure that the program is a happy, holy, and healthy environment for all its participants.

Suggested functions include:

  1. Advising regarding policy in the conduct of the parish programs.
  2. Managing and purchasing necessary equipment/uniforms.
  3. Planning and supporting two CYO Masses per season, CYO Community service, fund-raising activities, and concession/admission is applicable.
  4. Managing the gym facility and supporting parish sponsored tournaments if applicable.
  5. Selecting and recruiting of athletic directors, coaches, and volunteers.
  6. Arranging and helping with parent pre-season meetings and post-season awards nights.
  7. Giving assistance and support to the athletic directors and coaches.
  8. Monitoring that all diocesan Safe Environment policies are being followed.


All parishes/diocesan schools vary in terms of delegating responsibilities. The duties previously outlined for Athletic Directors, CYO Coaches, and Parish/Diocesan School Advisory Teams may be. The parish leadership (i.e., the pastor, diocesan catholic school principal or combination) is responsible for establishing program policy.

Team Policies

Coaches Certification

Certified coaches must be 21 years of age or older and have kept their credentials, issued by the Diocese of Rochester, up to date by:

  • Taking Creating a Safe Environment (CaSE) and have a Background check done every 3 years through their parish office
  • Signing a Volunteer Code of Conduct
  • Being CPR, First Aid, and AED Trained
  • Attending Mandatory Coaches Clinic (Basketball)
  • Coaches must be cleared by the CYO Coordinator of Sports before coaching children.


There must be two adults, 21 years of age or older, present at all CYO Activities. An adult coach must never be alone with children. Coaches must be certain that there are enough adults to adequately supervise each activity.

Pre-season Parent Meeting

Coaches are required to arrange and lead a formal meeting with their team’s parents prior to the start of the season. The purpose of the parent meeting is to explain the philosophy and goals of the CYO program, to communicate the coaching philosophy, goals, and methods, and to inform parents of team and program policies and expectations. Go to for further information on parent meetings.

Safe Playing Environment

Coaches are responsible for providing a safe playing environment and being prepared to give emergency care for all players. Providing a safe playing environment includes:

  • Having a current CYO Athletic Health History Form available, see for forms
  • Checking the playing facility prior to each activity and correcting any possible hazards before play
  • Arriving prior to the first participant and staying until each participant leaves the facility. Having a clear transfer of control from parent/guardian to coach and vice versa before and after each practice and/or game.
  • Ensuring that each participant can participate safely
  • Planning each activity and closely supervising each player
  • Being prepared to give emergency care by:
    • Having an adequate first aid kit, AED, and phone available
    • Discussing emergency procedures in advance with the players and other coaches
    • Reporting all accidents to the Athletic Director

Medical Coverage

CYO does not provide accident insurance. All team members are responsible for their own medical coverage. CYO encourages that each coach is First Aid, CPR & AED trained. If an individual team member has not been able to participate due to a serious injury or an extended illness (more than three days), a doctor’s written permission slip must be obtained and kept on file with the Athletic Director before allowing the individual to resume participation.

Transportation of Players

If a volunteer coach transports other children, or parents are arranged to transport other children, the following procedures must be followed:

  • The Driver must have completed Creating a Safe Environment training and passed a Background check.
  • The driver needs to undergo a DMV check annually and supply evidence of liability insurance on the vehicle being used for transport as well as a $100,000 per person / $300,000 per accident limit of liability.
  • There should never be an occasion when one adult is alone with one minor. Have at least two CaSE-trained and background-checked adults with one minor, or two minors with one CaSE-trained and background-checked adult in the car.

Accident Reports:

  • Any injury to a coach, participant, or spectator requiring professional medical attention must be reported to the parish athletic director and/or staff liaison. The athletic director and/or staff liaison must report the injury by filling out an Accident report and submitting it to the Diocesan Coordinator of Sports within 48 hours of the injury occurring.

CYO Athletics Health History/Release Form:

  • Each participant must have completed and returned the CYO Athletics Health History form upon signing up for CYO. The form explains liabilities involved and obtains parental permission for the child to participate. It may allow emergency medical treatment on the participant if a parent is not available. This form can be found on, must be signed by parents or a legal guardian before a player is allowed to begin participation in any CYO Athletics. Each Health Form of CYO participants must be on hand with the coach at every CYO event.

Team and Program Fees:

  • Each parish/diocesan school determines fees that players are charged for participation, based on diocesan fees, as well as costs for practice facilities, uniforms, equipment, and awards. An athlete should not be disqualified because of an inability to pay the fees. The Diocese sets league fees for each team a parish/diocesan school registers to cover the cost of officials, gym space, scheduling costs, trainings and other CYO associated fees.

CYO Calendar and Game Scheduling:

  • Sports seasons and practices are played in accordance with the annual Diocesan CYO Sports Calendar. The calendar includes dates when practice may begin for each sport, Athletic Director meetings, and dates for the beginning and ending of league play. Athletic Directors and Coaches are responsible to assure that their teams are following CYO calendar dates. Visit for the schedules.

Rules and Regulations:

  • The Diocese of Rochester schedules, publishes and coordinates reschedules of all CYO league games and assigns certified officials. All practices are to be scheduled to be completed prior to 10:00 pm on a school night and NO CYO activities may be scheduled to begin on Sunday before 1:00 pm to allow time for the coaches, athletes, and their families to attend Mass.

Player Eligibility:

  • The following is the Diocese of Rochester CYO Athletic Program standards of eligibility for all sports. Children who wish to participate in a Parish/Diocesan Catholic School CYO program shall meet the criteria established as outlined below. Pastor/Principal, Staff Liaison and/or the Athletic Director shall verify that children meet eligibility requirements prior to participation; coaches should not enroll children or allow them to participate prior to enrollment by the athletic director. The use of an ineligible player, knowingly or unknowingly, shall result in the forfeit of all games in which the ineligible player participated.

Section 1: Parish-Based & Diocesan School Based CYO:

  • Parish CYO programs may be open to children who meet one or more of the following criteria:
    • Registered Parishioner: All rosters must be comprised of 66% registered parishioners.
    • Catholic School: All children (Catholic or non-Catholic) who attend the parish parochial school.
    • A registered parishioner of a catholic parish that doesn’t offer CYO.
  • Diocesan School-Based CYO programs are open to children who meet the following criteria:
    • All children (Catholic or non-Catholic who attend either Seton Catholic, Academy or St. Francis / St. Stephen, Nativity Prep Academy.)

Section 2: Grade:

  • A child may participate in a grade higher than the actual grade in which he/she is enrolled. However, 2nd graders are not allowed to participate in Basketball competition only practice.
  • Any Post Graduate student cannot participate in CYO athletics.

Section 3: Age Limitations:

  • Any child who is 11 years old prior to July 1st of the current school year is not eligible to compete in any of the 3rd & 4th grade CYO programs.
  • Any child who is 13 years old prior to July 1st of the current school year is not eligible to compete in any of the 5th & 6th grade CYO programs.
  • Any child who is 15 years old prior to July 1st of the current school year is not eligible to compete in any of the 7th & 8th grade CYO programs.
  • Any child who is 17 years old prior to July 1st of the current school year is not eligible to compete in any of the 9th & 10th grade CYO programs.
  • Any child who is 19 years old prior to July 1st of the current school year is not eligible to compete in any of the 11th & 12th grade CYO programs.

Section 4: Composition of Teams:

  • Each Parish/Diocesan School CYO program should ensure that in each grade and each sport all children who sign up and fulfill program requirements will be placed on a team on a first-come, first-served basis and will participate.
  • Parish/Diocesan School CYO programs should ensure that all registered parishioners have a fair opportunity to participate in CYO programs. Parishes should ensure that sign-ups are advertised fairly and publicly and that returning players do not have priority in team positions.
  • Complaints regarding sportsmanship in matters of eligibility shall follow the process of protest and appeals.

Section 5: Roster:

  • The deadline for adding players to the roster shall be one week prior to the first league game of that team. In soccer, volleyball, basketball, or kickball.
  • One CYO Team- Once a child commits himself/herself to a roster, he/she must remain on it until the end of the season unless otherwise provided for in these bylaws. A child may only play on one CYO team per sport.

Section 6: Gender:

  • Soccer & Volleyball: Both 3rd & 4th Grade, and 5th and 6th Grade teams will allow girls to play on boy’s teams if there are not enough girls to field a legal team. If there is an even number of boys and girls, the team will be considered Co-Ed and placed in the Co-Ed Division. If there isn’t a Co-Ed Division due to the number of teams, the Co-Ed teams will play in the Boys Division.
  • Basketball: Only in the 3rd & 4th & 5th & 6th grade level are girls allowed to participate on teams in the boys’ CYO programs. If there is an even number of girls and boys, the team will play in the Co-Ed Division. If there are more boys than girls, the team will be placed in the Boys League and placed in a division based on skill.
  • Kickball is Co-Ed Grades 2nd-5th, 6th-8th, & High school teams 9th-12th

Team Practice Limitations:

  • Practice and game activities are allowable only during the official season for that sport. Seasons for CYO Sports shall be defined by the Diocesan CYO Calendar as starting on the date listed for official practice for that sport to begin. Team activities shall end on the date listed on the calendar or on the last day of league games.


  • The Diocesan CYO website, has a listing of CYO tournaments that have been submitted and approved by the Diocesan Coordinator of Sports. All parishes/school hosting tournaments must sanction their tournaments within accordance of the CYO Bylaws. CYO coordinator of Sports will oversee assigning officials for the tournaments.
  • League games shall take priority over tournament play. No Tournament games may be scheduled before 1:00 pm on Sundays. Tournament games must be scheduled to be completed by 9:00 pm on school nights.

Protests and Appeals:

  • Teams may only protest eligibility and interpretation of rules. “Judgement Calls” cannot be a reason for protest.
  • All protests must carry the signature of the parish Pastor or organization Program/Athletic Director and must be submitted in writing to the Diocesan Coordinator of Sports as follows:
    • Game protest must be initiated at the time of the infraction by notifying the referee, who will mark both scorebooks.
    • Game protest must be received at the Pastoral Office within two business days of the game being protested.
    • No eligibility protest may be submitted after three weeks of play.
  • The protest letter must contain as much proof as possible pertaining to the alleged infraction of the rules. Score sheets, newspaper clippings, or any other pertinent information to clarify the protest should be included.
  • A money order or parish check of $40.00 must accompany every protest. The bond/check will be returned only if the protest is sustained.
  • All protests will be reviewed and ruled upon by the Diocesan Coordinator of Sports and The Catholic Schools Department as well as the CYO Advisory Board.

Penalties and Disciplinary Actions:
It is expected that all coaches and players in the CYO program will adhere to the CYO regulations and will be guided by both the letter and more importantly the spirit of the rules. In all cases of complaints about coaches or teams, the Coach will be notified by the Diocesan Coordinator of Sports and will be invited to respond. Conduct contrary to the purpose and regulations of CYO will incur disciplinary action as follows:

  • The player will be dropped, and/or
  • The team may be barred from any CYO-sponsored tournaments, and/or
  • The team may be refused entry to the next year’s program, and/or
  • The Coach may be placed on probation for the remainder of the current year and the next year.
  • The Coach may be asked to step down and relieved from his/her coaching duties.

If a player receives a Yellow Card, he/she is to be immediately removed from the game for the balance of the half, and if a player or coach receives a Red card and is ejected from the game, that player or coach will sit out the next scheduled CYO game. If a player or coach is ejected from a second game, he/she will no longer be allowed to participate in CYO.

Any player or coach who receives a Technical Foul, The First one they are warned and sit out for the remainder of the game. If they receive two (2) Technical Fouls they are removed from the CYO Program. (If a player is given a Technical in the last few minutes of the 2nd half, then they will sit out the next scheduled game.) All Technical Fouls will be reported to the official assigner who reports to the Diocesan Coordinator of Sports. If a player or coach is ejected from a game for fighting, he/she will no longer be allowed to participate in CYO scheduled games for the remainder of the year, and the coach may be placed on probation or dropped from the league, players may be dropped from the league, games may be forfeited, and teams may be barred from tournaments per the review of the Diocesan Coordinator of Sports and the CYO Advisory Team. CYO has a NO Tolerance Policy; coaches and players are responsible for abiding by this Policy.